“The Lyrics of Christmas”
We all have those Christmas songs that we know every word to, and can’t help but sing along every time we hear them. In our December series by Pastor Chris Chesley, will we will look at four “Christmas songs” from the book of Luke and consider what each one teaches us about the coming of the Savior and the Father that sent Him.
3 December 2017—“Mary’s Song” (37:01)
10 December 2017—“Zechariah’s Song” (48:50)
17 December 2017—“The Angels’ Song” (38:29)
24 December 2017—“Simeon’s Song” (46:23)
“Jesus: Prophet, Priest, King”
In the Bible, we read about many different men that served as a Prophet, a Priest, or a King. Only one Person has been the perfect combination of all three at once. In this 3 part series by Pastor Chris Chesley, we will consider Christ’s unique threefold office of divine Prophet, Priest, and King, and why that’s so significant for all of us.
5 November 2017—“Jesus: Prophet” (40:48)
12 November 2017—“Jesus: Priest” (38:41)
26 November 2017—“Jesus: King” (38:40)
Reformation Sunday
October 31st was the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the church at Wittenburg—the event considered by many to have sparked the Protestant Reformation. We celebrated “Reformation Sunday” by considering the fruit of the Reformation and its challenge to 21st century Christians.
Kevin Traube provided a special “5 in 5” feature introducing the “Five Solas” of the Reformation before the message by Pastor Matthew Hill.
29 October 2017—“O Sola Mio” (35:00)
“Marriage by Design”
1 October 2017—“Marriage by Design (Part 1)” (37:28)
8 October 2017—“Marriage by Design (Part 2)” (40:11)
15 October 2017—“Marriage by Design (Part 3)” (38:02)
22 October 2017—“Marriage by Design (Part 4)” (46:48)
“Who I Am”
“Vital Signs”
A four-week series by the Pastoral Staff of Faith Baptist Church examining the defining characteristics of the early church.
21 May—Part 1: Introduction (39:28) [Pastor Chris]
28 May—Part 2: “Teaching” (36:13) [Pastor Matthew]
4 June—Part 3: “Community” (31:29) [Pastor Scott]
11 June—Part 4: “Prayer” (32:25) [Pastor Charles]
A two-part series by Pastor Chris Chesley.
23 April 2017—“Restored (Part 1/2)” (53:25)
30 April 2017—“Restored (Part 2/2)” (44:46)
“UNFAIR—His Pain, Our Gain”
Our Passion Month series by Pastor Chris Chesley.
2 Apr 2017—“Betrayed, Abandoned, Judged” (51:57)
9 Apr 2017—“The Paradox of the Cross” (54:09)
16 Apr 2017—“Shared Life, Shared Victory” (47:17)
“God is >”
Our February series by Pastor Chris Chesley.
“Keeping a God-Focused Perspective in Everyday Life”
5 Feb 2017—“God is > Bad Circumstances” (50:14)
12 Feb 2017—“God is > Any Enemy” (36:27)
26 Feb 2017—“God is > The Government” (44:45)
2017 Inaugural Series
Our New-years series by Pastor Chris Chesley.
1 Jan 2017—“The God Who Goes Before” (46:33)
8 Jan 2017—“Keep Moving Forward” (44:47)
15 Jan 2017—“Defined by Identity” (43:24)